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December 2, 2018 6:00 PM|informed|decision making|for patients|for caregivers|nurses|surgeons|cardiologists|psychologists

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cora app

CORA is a cross-platform computer program. It is also available for IOS/Android devices. CORA is designed to improve the management of end-stage heart failure using a user-friendly design, advanced data mining, and machine learning methods. Try CORA today!

for patients

For patients with heart failure considering an LVAD, the CORA Patient App is a personalized app that helps you weigh the benefits and risks of getting an LVAD. Unlike generic decision aids, CORA uses your medical information and personal values to gauge your outcome and quality of life after an LVAD implant.

for physicians

The CORA Physician App provides personalized prognostic tools for physicians and patients for survival and adverse events associated with VAD therapy. To assist the patients and their families to work with their doctors to navigate the difficult decisions associated with severe heart failure.


What does CORA stand for?
Cardiac Outcomes Risk Assessment
How is the CORA project funded?
CORA is currently funded by an NIH R01 grant: NIH R01 HL122639-01
What are the CORA project objectives?
To provide personalized prognostic tools for physicians and patients for survival and adverse events associated with VAD therapy.
To capitalize on advanced computer learning and data mining technology.
To assist the professional team with managing workflow.
To assist the patients and their families to work with their doctors to navigate the difficult decisions associated with severe heart failure.
How are CORA predictive models developed?
CORA models use a method of machine learning algorithms called Bayesian Networks. They are based on the probabilities of multiple variables influencing an outcome and allow for the interactions of dependent variables to be captured. This method of modeling also produces an intuitive visual, making the otherwise complex interactions straightforward for interpretation by clinicians.
Will CORA be able to be integrated with my EHR system?
Yes! We believe that optimal usability will come from seamless integration into pre-existing EHR systems. The current phase of CORA development includes integration with Epic Systems, but other system integration can be developed as well.
Can I participate in field testing
We are interested in involving more institutions for field testing. Please contact us for more information.



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